Interview with Fáuston Da Silva, director of A Terra Em Que Pisar [The Land Beneath Our Feet] What has drawn you to this story that focuses on a group of people who try to defend their land from property developers? One of the basic needs of human dignity is to have a place where the person can live with his family and in safety. […]
Interview with Vincent Menjou-Cortes, director of Pulsion What inspired you to create Pulsion? I spent a week in a theatre that welcomed us with a group of actors. We had to work in the room but had no funding for set design. I decided to work with actors on filmed improvisations on the theme of performance in natural spaces. I wanted to film […]
Interview with Dinah Ekchajzer, director of Vas-y voir How did you work with and manipulate the different materials that you had in your possession? I’d know for a long time that there were archives dating back to my grandmother’s time in Niger and the Ivory Coast in the closet in my parents’ living room, but I’d never bothered to take a look. The […]
Interview with Morgane Dziurla-Petit, director of Grab Them What led you to direct a film about a woman who has the exact same face as Donald Trump? I put two ideas I had together. On the one hand, I wanted to make something on today’s changes of perception of what the truth is. All my films have been about fake news in some […]
Interview with Jamil McGinnis and Pat Heywood, codirectors of Gramercy Can you explain the title? Jamil: The world of Gramercy existed before we were exposed to it. It’s a self-proclaimed name of an area of Piscataway that this group of guys signified as a homage to a kinship they had formed over the years. Originally, Mook, one of Shaq’s friends that is in […]
Interview with Antoine Beauvois-Boetti, director of Le Cercle d’Ali [Ali’s Circle] How much of Le Cercle d’Ali is documentary? Did you do research beforehand? I really wanted to get as close as possible to reality. Firstly, out of respect for the subject and the people involved. And also out of principle. I like the idea that the cinema, through narrative, can also have […]
Interview with Javier Marco, director of A la Cara [Face to Face] This is a very intimate, tense short film. What made you want to explore this interaction between the two characters? Every time I am on social media, I constantly see threats and insults. I think it is very easy to do it from the anonymity that social media give you. But […]
Interview with Julie Caty, director of Normal What inspired you to make Normal? An obsession! I grew up in the middle of nowhere, in an area quite aware of environmental isssues. And I still live in the middle of nowhere, but a different “nowhere.” So since just about forever, I’ve asked myself about the way we exist in the world, our consumer behavior, […]
Interview with Emma Séméria, director of La chamade [Blackbirds] Why did you want to set the film in a campground? Actually, the setting is not a campground at all. My uncle lives there, just above the river. I chose settings from Touët-sur-Var, a deserted village by the side of a mountain with barely 700 inhabitants, in order to highlight my characters’ isolation, but […]
Interview with Jaime Levinas, director of Pinpin What drew you to make a short about this encounter between the main character and the cashier? I think ultimately it is the “insignificance of an event”, and how tragic it can be, that drew me to make this film. How something can mean so much and after many thoughts lead to just a small gesture. […]