La Jetée

    3 July 2015
    By Anaelle Meunier

    Dog Days   The new poster is here! A bit later than usual for sure, but it was worth waiting for July to unveil this summertime snapshot, away from the winds of winter.   Blutch, the famous French-born illustrator whose talent is only rivalled by his passion for cinema, offers us this dreamlike escape in pastel colors, an intimate interpretation of the event that […]

  • 1329_China3-10moments
    14 December 2014
    By Anaelle Meunier

      “10 moments” by Wenhua Shi (China, USA – 2011)    Black earth, vast sky. A supernatural atmosphere and a sense of “forbidden files”. A man walks, a camera moves forward. He treads heavily, short of breath. Hindered by the ground’s roughness, the rustling of a wind without oxygen. Under a sun and icy air, there are white bones, pieces of skulls and other […]

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