
Sauve qui peut le court métrage collective

  • Anh Galand
    • Administrative and Financial Manager
  • Laura Addamo
    +33 (0)4 73 14 73 50
    • Finances and accounting
    • Secretariat
  • Florence Alexandre
    01 48 24 12 91
    • National and international press officer
  • Fanny Barrot
    • Auvergne Film Commission
    • Education department
    • Member of the National selection committee
  • Calmin Borel
    +33 (0)4 73 14 73 32
    • He co-ordinates The Lab competition
    • He is on the International Competition and The Lab selection committees
    • Calmin supervises technical matters, manages the team of projectionists and regularly updates our website
    • Coordination Cinema sections
    • Coordination Ciné en herbe Festival

  • Diana Borja
    +33 (0)4 73 14 73 24
    • Reception of guests and professionals
    • Member of the International Competition Committee
  • Lucas Brunier-Mestas
    • General coordination of projection supports and the digitization processes
    • In charge of indexing and archiving of audiovisual collections
    • Technical monitoring of the screening and meeting rooms of La Jetée
    • Member of the pre-selection committee of the international competition
    • Member of the selection committee of the lab competition
  • Orlane Cantat
    • Shortfilmdepot helpdesk
  • Camille Coutte
    01 48 24 12 91
    • Attachée de presse nationale et internationale
  • Laurent Crouzeix
    • Film programming
    • International development
    • Coordination of Euro Connection / Short Film Market
    • Project Manager for Shortfilmdepot
    • Industry meetings (project development and distribution)
    • Partnerships with CNC and Europe Creative
  • Fabien De Macedo
    • General coordination of the festival
    • Recruitment, scheduling and human ressources management
    • Relations with the festival locations administration
    • Logistics and public reception for these locations
    • Responsible for the safety and security
  • Sébastien Duclocher
    • Sébastien is Coordinator of our Education department
    • He manages film literacy activities, educational publications and our website
    • He is Editor of our monthly regional newsletter on media literacy activities
    • He is on the national, the Lab and the youth audience selection committees and collaborator for the international competition with Mexico
    • Coordinator of virtual reality
  • Melanie Fariney
    +33 (0)4 73 91 65 73
    • Welcome Desk Secretariat
  • Clara Hugueney
    • Monitoring the Market before and during the event
    • Setting up the exhibition hall and screening schedule within the Market
    • National and international buyers updating
    • Organizing Public buyers presentation Schedule
  • Sarah Momesso
    • Co-coordination and member of the National selection committee
    • Member of the International preselection committee (Italy)
    • Festival publications and online community management
  • Tim Redford
    • Coordination of the International Competition
    • Member of the International Competition selection committee
    • Co-coordination of African Perspectives
    • International Development
    • Coordination of the international screenings
    • Shortfilmdepot festivals
  • Agnès Reure
    +33 (0)6 99 28 35 35
    • In charge of partnerships and sponsorships
  • Bertrand Rouchit
    • Young Audience Programmes Coordinator
    • Head of Audience Relations
    • National Selection Committee
    • Programmer - African Perspectives
    • Regional Festival Tour
  • Grégoire Rouchit
    • International preselection committee member
    • In charge of digital development
  • Eric Roux
    • Eric is the President and Treasurer of "Sauve qui peut le court métrage"
  • Julie Rousson
    • Public funding coordinator
    • Short Film Market industry events & Euro Connection coordination
    • Member of the international selection committee
  • Myriam Settoul
    • Finances and accounting
  • Stéphane Souillat
    • Coordination national competition
    • Auvergne Film Commission
  • Jerome Ters
    +33 (0)4 73 14 73 13
    • He is on the national and the Lab selection committees
    • Jérôme co-ordinates "Lycéens au cinéma", "Un été au ciné / Cinéville" and liaises with schools
    • He coordinates "L’Atelier" workshops, the school screenings, the Junior Critic Contest and welcomes school groups during the Festival.
    • He is on the national and The Lab selection committees He coordinates the "Ciné en Herbe" student Festival
  • Laura Thomasset
    • Local and Regional Press
    • National and International Press Assistant
    • Member of the national selection committee

Documentation center

Active volunteers