Angle mort

  • Angle-mort-5-RVB
    3 February 2022
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Lotfi Achour, director of Angle mort [Blind Spot] Why did you want to present this story using a first-person testimonial?All the details mentioned in the film are real facts that I was able to corroborate in several ways: the trial, witness accounts from the victims and the family, police reports, the judicial order… The more I dug around and went deeper, […]

  • Amélie Bonnin (22)
    26 January 2022
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Watch the interview with the French-Tunisian filmmaker Lotfi Achour about his short film Angle mort selected in the 2022 Lab Competition.

Clermont ISFF | Angle mort | Clermont ISFF
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