

Dinner with Vas-y voir

  Interview with Dinah Ekchajzer, director of Vas-y voir How did you work with and manipulate the different materials that you had in your possession? I’d know for a long […]

22 January 2021

Tea time with Grab Them

  Interview with Morgane Dziurla-Petit, director of Grab Them What led you to direct a film about a woman who has the exact same face as Donald Trump? I put […]

22 January 2021

Expresso Video – François Zabaleta

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker François Zabaleta about his short film Jeunesse perdue selected in the 2021 National Competition (F1 programme).

22 January 2021

Lunch with Gramercy

  Interview with Jamil McGinnis and Pat Heywood, codirectors of Gramercy Can you explain the title? Jamil: The world of Gramercy existed before we were exposed to it. It’s a […]

22 January 2021

Focus Jury – 2021 Lab competition – Christine Ott

The Lab Jury member Christine Ott, musician, composer and musical arranger, sent us a message from Strasbourg (France), in the snow.

22 January 2021

Expresso Video – Noëlle Bastin et Baptiste Bogaert

Watch the interview with the Belgian filmmakers Noëlle Bastin and Baptiste Bogaert about their short film Traquer selected in the 2021 Lab Competition (L1 programme).

22 January 2021

Breakfast with Le Cercle d’Ali [Ali’s Circle]

  Interview with Antoine Beauvois-Boetti, director of Le Cercle d’Ali [Ali’s Circle] How much of Le Cercle d’Ali is documentary?  Did you do research beforehand? I really wanted to get […]

22 January 2021

Nightcap with A la Cara [Face to Face]

  Interview with Javier Marco, director of A la Cara [Face to Face]  This is a very intimate, tense short film. What made you want to explore this interaction between […]

22 January 2021

Dinner with Normal

  Interview with Julie Caty, director of Normal What inspired you to make Normal? An obsession! I grew up in the middle of nowhere, in an area quite aware of […]

21 January 2021

Focus Jury – National competition 2021 – Foued Mansour

A video interview with the member of the National Jury Foued Mansour, filmmaker and screenwriter.

21 January 2021
Clermont ISFF | #ClermontFF21 | Clermont ISFF
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