
  • invisibel-heroi_rvb
    8 February 2020
    By Élise Loiseau

      Interview with Christèle Alves Meira, director of Invisível Herói [Invisible Hero] The film, I believe, is staged, but it sometimes looks documentary. How did you achieve this result? Duarte is passionate about literature. He spends his days reading in the braille library that he built up over the years, located in the residence for blind people where he lives (filmed in the first […]

  • marie_le_floch
    8 February 2020
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Discover the interview with French director Marie Le Floc’h about her short film e serai parmi les amandiers  presented in the 2020 national competition (program F5). A video produced in collaboration with the students of Arfis School.

    Clermont ISFF | competition | Clermont ISFF
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