

Expresso Video – Jean-Gabriel Périot

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Jean-Gabriel Périot about his short film De la joie dans ce combat selected in the 2019 National Competition (F8 programme). A video […]

5 February 2019
Romain Champalaune © Sauve qui peut le court métrage, Baptiste Chanat

Short of the day: “Samsung Galaxy” de Romain Champalaune

Today, we had an interview with Romain Champalaune about his film Samsung Galaxy (F9).

15 February 2016
Clara Roquet © Sauve qui peut le court métrage, Juan Alonso

Short of the day: “El Adios” by Clara Roquet

Today, we had an interview with Clara Roquet about his film El Adios (I9).

14 February 2016
Rencontre avec le réalisateur William Laboury © Sauve qui peut le court métrage, Baptiste Chanat

Short of the day: “Fais le mort” and “Hotaru” by William Laboury

Today, we had an interview with William Laboury about his film Fais le mort (F10) et Hotaru (L2).

13 February 2016
Master class Gerard Krawczyk IADT 3/02/2015 Festival de Cl-Fd 2015 – 14

Master class de Gérard Krawczyk

Trente ans après avoir été sélectionné en compétition nationale au festival de Clermont-Ferrand avec Toro Moreno (1983) et Homicide by Night (1985), Gérard Krawczyk revient pour une Master class consacrée […]

I13-2.Dinner For Few

Short of the day: “Dinner for Few” by Nassos Vakalis (I13)

Every day, two interviews with directors in selected in official competitions (national, international and Lab) of the Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival..   Today, Nassos Vakalis talks about his short film […]

10 February 2015

Short of the day: “Onder Ons” by Guido Hendrikx (L1)

Every day, two interviews with directors in selected in official competitions (national, international and Lab) of the Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival.   Today, Guido Hendrikx talks about his short film […]

6 February 2015

Tea time with Mon bras armé

  An interview with Mathilde Nègre, director of Mon bras armé [My Armed Arm]  Why did you decide to animate My Armed Arm instead of using real actors? I came […]

6 February 2015
Notre dame des hormones 3

Dinner with Notre Dame des Hormones

  An interview with Bertrand Mandico, director of Notre Dame des Hormones [Our Lady of Hormones]  Had you already dealt with filial relationships in your earlier films? Yes, Boro in the Box also dealt with […]

4 February 2015
Leftover 3

Dinner with Leftover

  An interview with Tibor Bànòczki and Sarolta Szabo, directors of Leftover    Leftover paints several portraits. Each one of them is linked to food. What made you think of this […]

2 February 2015
Clermont ISFF | france | Clermont ISFF
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