Lemongrass girl

  • Lemongrass-Girl-6-RVB
    11 February 2022
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Pom Bunsermvicha, director of Lemongrass Girl What does lemongrass plant mean in Thailand?Lemongrass is an herbal plant that is used for multiple purposes. There are two types of lemongrasses, scented and edible. Thais make various products from scented lemongrass, such as soap or mosquito repellant. The edible ones are cooked in Thai dishes, such as Tom Yum. The lemongrass is also […]

  • Pom_Busermvicha
    2 February 2022
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Watch the interview with the Thaï filmmaker Pom Bunsermvicha about her short film Lemongrass Girl selected in the 2022 Lab Competition.

Clermont ISFF | Lemongrass girl | Clermont ISFF
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