
  • F–TomVeutRentrer-3-RVB
    30 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Arthur Bacry and Marianne Gaudillère, co-directors of Tom veut rentrer [Tom Wants Home] Who inspired these characters for you? What did you want to explore through their relationship?Arthur: The main source of inspiration was my brother, who is deaf. In our family, he is the only deaf person. He went through all of his schooling with deaf children and learned sign […]

  • F–BigBang-1-RVB
    26 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Carlos Segundo, director of Big Bang  What interested you in the relationship to extreme heat in Big Bang?Big Bang is the second short film in a trilogy of “space” films (the first one being Sideral). In Big Bang, I maintain my focus on the ordinary lives of the marginalized. But like in Sideral, I find the power and strength in the […]

  • F–Bellus-6-RVB
    25 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Alexis Pazoumian, director of Bellus What did you want to explore through the relationship between Michel and Santos in the film?Bellus follows Michel’s inner and spiritual journey. The film tells the story from the perspective of the young man. It is not a story of conversion, but of a winding path toward a form of redemption. Evangelical religion plays a very […]

  • F–GoFishboy-2-RVB
    23 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Denise Cirone, Sebastian Doringer, Andrey Kolesov, Chiayu Liu, Zhen Tian and Lan Zhou, co-directors of Go Fishboy Was Go Fishboy’s conception starting point an idea or a picture, such as a drawing?The seed for the story came from writing games we did at school. Two of our team members, Sebastian and Zhen, came up with the idea of a boy, who […]

  • F–LeFeuAuLac-4-RVB
    21 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Pierre Menahem, director of Le Feu au lac [Fire at the Lake] How did you come up with the idea for Le Feu au lac?  At the outset, I was thinking of the high mountain terrain that I know very well, a landscape in the widest sense: a valley, its villages, its inhabitants, the country folk and secondary residents, like myself. A […]

  • F–IKemiVarrosBaballaret-3-RVB
    21 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Hekuran Isufi, director of I Kemi Varros Baballarët I Kemi Varros Baballarët deals with Dardan’s return  from France to Kosovo to visit his father’s grave. What were you interested in exploring with a film that talks about exile and mourning?  The film talks about a country that’s still marked by its past, by war – by the past that still weighs down […]

  • F–BonneSoirée-2-RVB
    20 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Antoine Giorgini, director of Bonne soirée [Good Evening] How did you come up with the idea for this short film? This initial situation (a migrant taking shelter in a basement) happened to people I know who live on the coast. From there, I decided to transform this situation and turn it into a prank.  Did you want to explore issues related to the […]

  • F–DesJeunesFillesEnterrentLeurVie-1-RVB
    19 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Maïté Sonnet, director of Des jeunes filles enterrent leur vie [Bachelorette Party] After Massacre, you’ve made Des jeunes filles enterrent leur vie which is more of a comedy. What was the starting point for this film?Actually, and bizarrely, I never thought I’d write a comedy more than anything else. Humor almost comes by itself, without my intending it, or else it comes through […]

  • Tchau Tchau-3-RVB
    10 February 2022
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Cristèle Alves Meira, director of Tchau tchau What was the context for you coming up with Tchau tchau ? This film comes out of a particular context, when the world stopped, in March 2020. It comes from a sense of urgency, a need to talk about that very strange time of our history when a pandemic cut us off from a fundamental ritual […]

  • Lucie_Prost
    8 February 2022
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Lucie Prost about her short film Va dans les bois selected in the 2022 National Competition (F3 programme).

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