
  • F–TheElevator-3-RVB
    3 February 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Dong Jiang, director of The Elevator How did you come up with the idea for The Elevator?The original idea came from a television news piece that talked about elevators being installed as part of building renovations in older neighborhoods. In May 2019, in a Starbucks in Beijing, I pitched the idea to Jing Su and Li Ge, the producers of my earlier […]

  • F–LeJourOùJÉtaisPerdu-1-RVB
    2 February 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Soufiane Adel, director of Le Jour où j’étais perdu [One Day When I Was Lost]  alk to us about the bond that unites the Voyager and Alain’s journey.The Voyager space mission was started by NASA in the 70s with the goal of exploring the solar system and of sending signals of our societies on Earth to potential alien civilizations. It was […]

  • F–LasCriaturasQueSeDerritenBajoElSol-1-RVB
    1 February 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Diego Céspedes, director of Las Criaturas Que se Derriten Bajo el Sol [The Melting Creatures] How did you get the inspiration for Las Criaturas Que se Derriten Bajo el Sol ?The original idea came from an image that was more plastic than thematic: the idea of a community melting under the sun and that they played games to find out who […]

  • F-Aban-4-RVB
    27 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Abbas Taheri and Mahdieh Toosi, co-directors of Aban What has inspired Aban’s character?Abbas: My cousin struggled to get his real gender by surgery in a patriarchal family. His childish insist on getting called by a male name, instead of his female birthname while he was four, were soon transformed to gender identity disorder and his brave efforts inspired me to work on […]

  • F–BigBang-1-RVB
    26 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Carlos Segundo, director of Big Bang  What interested you in the relationship to extreme heat in Big Bang?Big Bang is the second short film in a trilogy of “space” films (the first one being Sideral). In Big Bang, I maintain my focus on the ordinary lives of the marginalized. But like in Sideral, I find the power and strength in the […]

  • F–Bellus-6-RVB
    25 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Alexis Pazoumian, director of Bellus What did you want to explore through the relationship between Michel and Santos in the film?Bellus follows Michel’s inner and spiritual journey. The film tells the story from the perspective of the young man. It is not a story of conversion, but of a winding path toward a form of redemption. Evangelical religion plays a very […]

  • F–LaLutteEstUneFin-1-RVB
    25 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Arthur Thomas–Pavlowsky, director of La Lutte est une fin [The Struggle Is the End] Your film talks about boxing as a legitimate outlet for countering injustice and discrimination. What led you to make a documentary on the subject?As a participant in the Nuit Debout movement against the labor laws, and later protesting in Calais, I was a victim of police brutality. […]

  • F–IOnceWasLost-3-RVB
    24 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Emma Limon, director of I Once Was Lost  What was the starting point for writing the script? My father has an incredible memory, not just for details about events from the past, but also about the precise thoughts he had at the time of those events. For thirteen years, he kept this story to himself, and all of a sudden one day […]

  • F–GoFishboy-2-RVB
    23 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Denise Cirone, Sebastian Doringer, Andrey Kolesov, Chiayu Liu, Zhen Tian and Lan Zhou, co-directors of Go Fishboy Was Go Fishboy’s conception starting point an idea or a picture, such as a drawing?The seed for the story came from writing games we did at school. Two of our team members, Sebastian and Zhen, came up with the idea of a boy, who […]

  • F–ElAfterDelMundo-3-RVB
    22 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Florentina Gonzalez, director of El After del Mundo What made you choose to locate this encounter in the middle of an environment in a process of destruction?I’m interested in dystopia as a genre because above all I feel it’s very entertaining and liberating: it all starts at the end of what we know. What did you find interesting in the relationship […]

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