Cinema sections
Cinema and Audiovisual Education (CAV) allows students to approach filmmaking and cinema knowledge.
The content of the teaching includes:
- courses: film history, media knowledge, image analysis, film analysis, script writing, technical knowledge, production
- indoor film screenings
- meetings with professionals: authors or genre specialists, film technicians
- courses and practical exercises of shooting, editing and writing, piloted by professional speakers.
enlisting in Seconde (freshman year) is based on academic recruitment: students are retained on academic record and motivation.
The freshman year opens on all the channels of 1ère (junior year).
Students in first and last highschool year have the choice between two directions: the specialized and the optional teaching.
Specialized teaching is open only to 1ère L and T L and includes 5 h of CAV (coefficient 6 at the baccalaureate).
Optional education is open to 1ère and T L, ES or S (coefficient 2 at the baccalaureate level).
The Association Sauve qui peut le court métrage is a partner with the Audiovisual Cinema sections of three institutions:
- Lycée Madame-de-Staël à Montluçon
- Lycée Jean-Baptiste de la Salle à Clermont-Ferrand (ex Monanges, now grouped with several other establishments under the name of Jean-Baptiste-de-la-Salle)
- Lycée Blaise Pascal à Clermont-Ferrand
Sauve qui peut le court métrage regularly intervenes on different themes in the different levels of the three institutions. The association offers regular or occasional professional speakers both from an educational and a technical point of view. After agreeing with the teachers who define the educational objectives, the association ensures all the logistics: contacts, displacements, accomodations, regulations, etc. It oversees the finalization of productions. It programs the films and organizes the screenings, in particular those of the three compulsory films.
Nostalgie de la lumière - Patricio Guzmán
Affiches du film Nostalgie de la lumière de Patricio Guzmán (2010)
Fiche technique
- Année de production : 2010
- Couleur
- Parlant
- 90 minutes
- Genre : Documentaire
- Nationalités : Chili / France
Charulata - Satyajit Ray
Affiches du film Charulata de Satyajit Ray (1964)
A Calcutta, en 1880, alors que son mari la délaisse à cause de son implication dans un journal politique, Charulata se réfugie dans les arts. Se rendant compte de la solitude de la jeune femme, son mari invite son cousin Amal à l'aider dans ses aspirations littéraires. Charulata va devoir faire face à l'irruption de nouveaux sentiments face au dit cousin.
Fiche technique
- Année de production : 1964
- Noir et blanc
- Parlant
- 35 mm
- 117 minutes
- etc
- etc
Les Lumières de la ville - Charles Chaplin
Affiches du film Les Lumières de la ville de Charles Chaplin (1931)
Fiche technique
- Année de production : 1931
- Noir et blanc
- Muet
- 35 mm
- 117 minutes
- Genre : Comédie dramatique
- Nationalités : Etats-Unis
Suivi des enseignements de spécialité cinéma et audiovisuel
Coordination Compétition Labo
Membre du comité de sélection internationale
Responsable technique du Festival du court métrage de Clermont-Ferrand
- 04 73 14 73 32