Young critics competition 2017
The Short Film Festival offers a school screening for college and high school students, which attracts nearly 5,000 students each year.
The putting on line of the scenarios, the storyboards and the notes of intention relative to each film allows the teachers to approach with their pupils the cinematographic writing and the passage to the image. The students' meeting with the directors during the Festival makes possible a more intimate approach to film creation.
The students thus have many elements to express themselves on the films, and the competition of the young cinematographic critic, in partnership with the Rectory of the Academy of Clermont-Ferrand, the foundation Varenne and the magazine Bref, proposes to them the space to do it. The competition is an opportunity for students to offer their opinion on a short film of their choice, giving priority to a well-argued personal point of view.
Several types of criticism are possible:
Written criticism for which there is no question of writing a literary on a film.
Video criticism as a movie analysis: = vkxlGTrNnnc
The most personal and original video review:
The purpose of this work is the publication of the laureates' reviews in the magazine Bref. Thus, every year, hundreds of critics are written by students of colleges, high schools of general education, vocational education and agricultural education. Many lots related to cinema (digital camera, editing software, books, DVDs, cinema seats ...) are also proposed to reward the best critics and allow students to continue to sharpen their critical sense.
Middle school
Grand price : Manon Charret
Film : Garden party
Classe de 3e, Collège Teilhard de Chardin de Chamalières (Puy-de-dôme)
2nd price : Djody Admirat
Film : Au loin, Baltimore
Classe de 4e, Collège Sancy Artense de la Tour d'Auvergne (Puy-de-Dôme)
3d price : Charlotte Portier
Film : Panthéon Discount
Classe de 4e, Collège François Fillon de Saint Dier d'Auvergne (Puy-de-Dôme)
General and Technological Education High Schools
Grand price : Anaïs Akamba
Film : Au loin, Baltimore
Classe de seconde, Lycée Saint Jacques de Compostelle au Puy-en-Velay (Haute-Loire)
2nd price : Adrien Huchet
Film : Journal animé
Classe de terminale, Lycée du Parc de Lyon (Rhône)
3d price : Isée Viala
Film : Journal animé
Classe de seconde, Lycée Jeanne d'Arc Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme)
Professional and agricultural High schools
Grand price : Cloé Domas
Film : Journal animé
Classe de 1èreS, Lycée agricole et forestier Brioude-Bonnefont de Fontannes (Puy-de-Dôme)
2nd price : Omer Gul
Film : Animal
Classe de 1ère bac pro MV2, Lycée professionnel Pierre Boulanger de Pont-du-Château (Puy-de-Dôme)
3d price : Arthur Théallier
Film : La République des Enchanteurs
Classe de 1ère bac pro commerce/accueil, Lycée professionnel Les Cordeliers de Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme)
Cinema sections
Grand price : Alexandre Ngau
Film : Desert Bloom
Classe de 1ère, Lycée Blaise Pascal à Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme)
2nd price : Jimmy Dua
Film : Decorado
Classe de 1ère, Lycée Blaise Pascal à Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme)
3d price : David Besson
Sur le film : Bird dog
Classe de 1ère, Lycée Blaise Pascal à Clermont-Ferrand (Puy-de-Dôme)
Video Critics Award
Video reviews made by the Lycée Jean Monnet of Yzeure (Allier).
Video critic : Au loin, Baltimore Critic video : Panthéon Discount

Member of the Lab Selection Committee
Member of the National Selection Committee
Member of the International Selection Committee
Coordinator High school at the cinema
Coordinator of the Atelier
Coordinator of the school session and meetings with directors
Home school groups during the festival
Competition of the young critic
Ciné en herbe coordinator
Coordinator Passeur d'images
- +33 (0)4 73 14 73 13