Clermont-Ferrand Carte blanche at the CLAM (in Catalonia)
Short films screenings
During the 18th CLAM – International Festival of Social Cinema in Catalonia witch will take place from September 23 to October 2 in Manresa, Narvacles and Sant Fruitós de Bages (in the Barcelona province), the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival introduces a carte blanche with two programmes.
Monday September 26 at 6pm in Bages Centre
Wednesday September 28 at 9pm at La Creueta Centre Cultural
101 minutes
Tuesday September 27 at 9pm at La Creueta Centre Cultural
Thursday September 29 at 9pm at Teatre Casal Cultural
(St. Fruitós del Bages)
100 minutes
Selection and screenings introduction: Marie Boussat.
From Monday 26 to Thursday 29 September
Short films screenings
Manresa, Navarcles and Sant Fruitós del Bages
Full price: 6€
-25 YO: 2€
Reduced price: 5€