Culture in prison

Culture in prison offers screenings of short films in prisons of the Auvergne region and participates in the establishment of an Internal Video Channel within the Riom Detention Center.

With the Prevention and Probation Services of Puy-de-Dôme and Cantal under the coordination of the director SPIP 63 and 15 in an open environment, Sauve qui peut le court métrage screens short films in the following establishments:

Maison d'Arrêt d'Aurillac

Maison d'Arrêt du Puy-en-Velay

Centre Pénitentiaire de Riom

These projections are part of the national guidelines on cultural policy and in particular the circular of 30 March 1995 on the "implementation of cultural programs addressed to persons under judicial control, between the Delegation for Development and Training (Ministry of Culture) and the Directorship of Prison Administration (Ministry of Justice). These guidelines are set out in the regional agreement of 1st March 1998 between the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Department of Penitentiary Services and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Department of Cultural Affairs, and annual amendments.

This includes bringing regional cultural life within the walls of the prison by allowing prisoners to watch the same types of films as those shown during the Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival; to propose to detainees to discover different cinematographic genres, to exchange on their forms and contents and to bring these people to express themselves freely (to acquire critical references, to stimulate reflection).

Sauve qui peut le court métrage is also invested in the establishment of the Internal Video Channel of the Riom Detention Center which is deployed in 2017. A prisoner has just been recruited by the prison administration as a video assistant, Sauve qui peut le court métrage trained this prisoner to take charge of the management of the Internal Video Channel.
