Educational workshops

All year long at La Jetée, depending on the availability of our screening room, short film sessions can be organized on request, on a particular theme or not. It is also possible for the teachers to participate beforehand in the program and select the films themselves.

The La Jetée theater contains 92 seats (the capacity can go up to 100 seats).

The screenings can be organized for children from 2 ½ years old.

The Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival and FAR's Education Pole are teaming up to offer short film programming workshops to all audiences in Auvergne. The opportunity to experience a different status from that of a mere spectator ...
The workshops are supervised by a FAR worker. Through three sessions of two hours each, various films selected from among the 100,000 listed by Sauve qui peut le court métrage are reviewed, analyzed and compared to form a program that will be screened in front of a public during which participants will have to present and argue their choices.
Through a guided reflection on the different staging choices, the writing and the treatment of a subject, the participants carry out a critical work that allows them to explore a work in depth, to acquire technical vocabulary and to establish relationships between the films studied.
Brought to develop a coherent program and to defend their choices within a group then before a public, they are confronted with the main problems of a programmer.
The viewing sessions can take place in the premises of La Jetée, the FAR, or any other place with a video projection system. The rendering session takes place in a movie theater, during which students will present their programming by arguing their choices.

For all ages (kindergarten to high school, media libraries, retirement homes ...).

The programming workshop consists in reviewing a corpus of films and to select films out of it taking into account the issues of programming.

This workshop allows you to learn how to analyze film posters in order to understand their graphic construction and meaning.

Discover the cinematographic language by analyzing a short film.

Mashup comes from English and could literally be translated as "mash". It is a montage of images and sounds drawn from various sources which are copied, pasted, cut, transformed, mixed, assembled ... to create a new work.
The Mashup knows a growing success mainly due to the development of the computer tools and the access to pre-existing contents. It explores new audiovisual creative practices and has seen the emergence of a multiplicity of inventive works.

This technique is an excellent way of initiation, allowing young people to seize images in a new way and to apprehend creation and editing in an uninhibited way.


Created by Romuald Beugnon (ingenious director and handyman) at the request of the Image Education Centers who wanted to experiment with a playful and simple editing technique, this table allows intuitive and fun access to video editing.
Select your images, your music, mix, add your voice ... and your mashup is ready! No computer (visible), no technique to learn: just put your images on the table MashUp and let your hands guide your creativity.

The Mashup workshop can be done in half of a day for a session giving the awareness of editing films. The students may take away the films they made.

Opportunities to discover the production of a short film are available through introductory workshops. Writing, editing and broadcasting are possible thanks to the many professionals involved in the Auvergne. These speakers can supervise a group of 10 people to make an animated film (cartoon, pixilation, stop motion, puppetry, ...), a documentary, a fiction or an experimental film.

Learn how to make an animated flipbook by coloring and making paper cuts out of a book.

This workshop includes among others the praxinoscope or folioscope.

This workshop is aimed to small children and proposes a coloring of animated gifs to begin to sensibilize them to the movement of images.

Redo the trailer of a film by using it, using the technique developed by Michel Gondrey in the film Be Kind Rewind.

The engraving workshop proposes to approach the image in motion through the technique of engraving by the manufacture of optics and the production of short animated sequences.

After attending a festival session, the goal of this workshop is to create the poster of one of the short films you have seen and to participate in the Anatomy of the Young Audience Contest.

On the occasion of Les Escales Littéraires, one of the stumbling blocks for high school students was to make them read the novels.

To make the trailer of a novel, or a comic strip, is a pedagogical approach particularly interesting in several ways:

- It motivates students to read the novel or the comic.
- It makes students distinguish the most important scenes and characters from the book.
- The plot of the story is already written, students must ask the question of what they will put in pictures and what sound will be chosen to give an atmosphere to the trailer that echoes with the written history or cartoon.
- A short workshop makes the students work on a precise task to optimize the working time and possibly organize several shooting teams for an optimal time management.

Examples of workshops:

Organization of the Workshop:

  • There'll be two appointments in the establishment to discuss the stages of work before the workshop day (students read the book, decide which scenes they want to film in the trailer, make a cut, a shot plan and define the workstations of each student (image team, sound, control, ...)
  • Then, one day at the high school : 6 hours of intervention with a professional speaker.

Le Colporteur



In charge of the cinema sections and the Festival Ciné en Herbe
General coordination
In charge of the youth programmes and the device Passeurs d'images
In charge of the device High school at the cinema, of the Atelier and the school screenings