Documentation Center

Located on the ground floor of La Jetée, in the center of Clermont-Ferrand, the Documentation Center is part of the Clermont Auvergne Métropole library network.

A unique fund, a library open to all

Its collections, in consultation on spot, tackle all the aspects of the cinema, its history and trades.


A unique place in Europe, dedicated to the memory of the short film

When they chose La Jetée as a name for this place, as a tribute to Chris Marker’s emblematic film, the team of Sauve qui peut le court métrage insisted on the importance of film heritage, short film heritage in particular.

Discovering fresh talents, bringing films to the public, promoting creation and training are actions that the team would not be able to conduct if they did not interact and if these actions were not backed by a strong will to preserve and maintain access to this heritage. Hence the association opened in the spring of 2000 a unique Documentation Center. This Center has joined the network of public libraries managed by Clermont Communauté.

The Documentation Center gathers more than 40 years of archives of the world's largest short film festival. Any paper or audiovisual document on the production of short films is systematically archived and made available to the public.

The Documentation Centre at La Jetée is open to the general public from in and around Clermont-Ferrand, to students, researchers and programmers. There they can consult and view the Festival archives, features films, publications, magazines, all dedicated to the trades and history of cinema.

Admission is free, no prior registration needed


  • A unique fund in the world, more than 100,000 digitized short films, free access through our video library
  • Feature films, art films and essays, classics of cinema ...
  • A wide choice of documentaries on all subjects
  • All the television and radio archives via the InaTHEQUE video library which gives access to the INA legal deposit


  • Thousands of books covering all areas of cinema
  • Many specialized journals, from the 1920s to the present
  • Educational resources, linked to the educational activities of Sauve qui peut le court métrage
  • Festival and production catalogs from all over the world
  • Photos, posters, objects related to the world of cinema and short film


  • A reading room with desks, internet and free Wifi access
  • An equipped meeting/screening room (on reservation)
  • Personalized help for documental research or programming short films
  • Groups received on reservation


  • Regular and convivial animations throughout the year: screenings, workshops, conferences, games ...
  • The opportunity to see the best short films of the festival through our video library
  • A place for cinema lovers

Useful informations


Documentation center for Cinema and Short Film 

La Jetée 

6 Place Michel-de-L'Hospital 

63058 Clermont-Ferrand cedex 1


Stop Sablon Carnot :
lignes B / C / 3 / 4 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 12 / 13 / 27
(5 min. by foot)

Tram :
Delille Montlosier et Universités stop
(10 min. by foot)

Opening hours

Tuesday : 1 pm - 7 pm
Wednesday : 9 am - 12 pm / 1 pm - 7 pm
Thursday : 1 pm - 7 pm

Outside the opening hours:
Possibility of receptions by reservation from Monday to Friday outside the opening hours, for students, researchers or groups.

Opening hours during the festival:
Opening non-stop from Saturday (after the festival opening) to Friday (closing ceremony): from 10 am - 7 pm.

Archive Catalog (books, DVDs, educational files, festival catalogs) accessible here:
