Short Film
Education and
Poster © Brecht Evens
© SQPLCM - Baptiste Chanat
Brecht Evens, during the last edition of the festival - 2021
© SQPLCM - Collectif Le Réseau
Brecht Evens with the 2022 poster
Brecht Evens at the book shop Les Volcans
© SQPLCM - Rémi Boissau
Short Film Market entrance
Short Film Market exhibition hall
© SQPLCM - Camille Dampierre
Meeting with festival programmers
Media rendez vous networking area
"Made in Normandie" stand with colorful balloons
Video library
© SQPLCM - Michel Vasset
Young audience workshop on the FAR's booth
© SQPLCM - Ewen Cabal
Panel on VOD diffusion at the forum
Convivial moment at the polish stand
©SQPLCM - Baptiste Chanat
Entrance of the Atelier
(Emmanuel Chabrier conservatory)
Welcoming students to the Atelier
Animation film school - DNMADE Student
The animation workshop : Terres éphémères
Clermont-Ferrand's mayor, Olivier Bianchi, visits the Atelier, RV workshop
Virtual reality workshop
Clermont-Ferrand's mayor, Olivier Bianchi, visits the Atelier, sound workshop Atmos
The Atelier, shooting on the film set
Voxel : an immersive short film workshop
Preparation of the Ciné piscine
Ciné piscine
© SQPLCM - Juan Alonso
The Jean Cocteau theatre ready for the Opening ceremony
Opening ceremony - Tribute to the cineast and musician Rosto
A very attentive lab jury during the opening ceremony - Julien Mignot and John Grant
The festival shop
The complete national jury ready for a screening
Waiting line on the move at the Maison de la Culture
Meeting between students and the director Jérémie Cousin
Violin concert for the opening of the exhibition "Once upon a time in the east" (polish cinema posters)
Q&A's at the Expresso
French director Pierre Schoeller, invited for a screenplay masterclass
Discovery of colourful shadow puppets at Les Petits ateliers
The Maison de la Culture in the festival colors
Directors Chunni Lin and Pang-Chuan Huang
Cine-concert at the MARQ museum
Lawrence Valin and Megan Northam win the interpretation awards
Closing ceremony : The winners under a confettis rain
Jorge Cantos and Soetkin Verstegen and their Vercingetorix
The international jury toasts with Anthony Nti, international grand prize winner