Projections and hawking: the magic lantern in the 18th century
Friday 17th of May at 2.30 pm
Conférence du Conservatoire des techniques
Salle Georges-Franju
51 rue de Bercy Paris 12e
Plein tarif 4 €
Tarif réduit 3 €
Forfait Atout Prix et Carte CinEtudiant 2.5 €
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Projections and hawking: the magic lantern in the 18th century by Roger Gonin
Photography : lanterne de colporteur, by Roger Gonin
A few years ago in Auvergne, Roger Gonin discovered an object of exceptional rarity: a hawker’s magic lantern with ten hand-painted glass plates. Some of the preserved plates, simple or mechanical, meticulously painted, represent propaganda images for Napoleon Bonaparte during the Consulship, whereas others are difficult to identify precisely. As in a veritable police investigation, Roger Gonin went looking for the origins of this machine. How did a projection session with this apparatus unfold? How to understand this iconography? Who was the hawker with this magic lantern? The hawker’s apparatus will be presented, and an old magic lantern will allow for projecting splendid, extremely rare images from the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
Roger Gonin is general director of the Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival since 1980 (in charge of the international selection of the video library of the Film Market). This collector is a member of the Magic Lantern Society and has put together two exhibitions on the magic lantern: at Roger Quillot’s Musée des Beaux Arts (Clermont-Ferrand) in 1998 and at the University Library of Les Cézeaux in 2001.