Virtual Reality
Short Films

Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand, Traversée centrale
Saturday February 3th - Friday February 9th, 10 am to 18 pm
Saturday February 10th - 10 am to 16 pm

On presentation of a festival ticket or an accreditation
1 festival ticket= 2 shorts films less than 16 mn, or 1 short film more than 25 mn
On accreditation: 2 films max bookable per day

In collaboration with Festivals Connexion and EVAVEO.



By Adriaan Lokman
Netherlands, France / 2023 / Animation / Without dialogue / 16'


Flow invites you to surrender to the whims of the wind on a seemingly ordinary day, concealing within its turbulence a captivating night in the life of a woman, portrayed through the dance of air currents. The interplay of scents, warmth, respiration, and both natural and artificial gusts of wind, influenced by invisible forces, renders the imperceptible tangible.


Production : Valkproduction, in co-production with Lucid realities

Distribution : Unframed collection , Sara Fatucci

Public : Adult


By Marion Burger et Ilan Cohen
France, Germany / 2023 / Animated documentary / 40' / Dutch, English (voice of Olivia Cooke), French (voice of Vimala Pons).


EMPEROR invites the viewer to travel inside the brain of a father who is suffering from aphasia. Alongside his daughter, we journey into the father’s mental space - imagined as a hand-drawn, monochrome landscape - as she seeks to learn more about his inner self, now obscured by illness.


Production : Atlas V, Reynard films, France télévision nouvelles écritures, PICO

Distribution : Astrea, Alexis Bourson


Public : adult

From The Main Square

By Pedro Harres
Germany / 2022 / Animation / 23' / Without dialogue


A civilization blossoms, with all its contradictions, only to become a danger to itself. From The Main Square is a compact illustration of social disruption.


Production : Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf

Distribution : Pedro Harres

Public : Teenager, Adult

Capture d’écran 2024-01-01 à 16.46.43

Nous les barbares

By Bertrand Mandico
Luxembourg, France, Belgium / 2023 / Fiction / 27’ / French, English


Inside a VR headset, you are on the dark and abandoned set of CONANN. Four characters introduce themselves as the film’s actresses and offer to guide you through the ghostly sets and hellish creatures that populate the set.


Production : Floréal, Films fauves, Ecce films

Distribution : Floréal, Avi Amar

Public : Adult


The Man Who Couldn't Leave

By Singing Chen
Taïwan / 2022 / Documentary / 36’ / Mandarin with English subtitles


Within the walls of the former Green Island prison, political detainee A-Kuen, tells the stories of imprisonment and persecution that happened in the 1950s in Taiwan. Among fellow inmates, frozen in time, he recounts his own experiences and those of his friend, A-Ching, who never made it out.


Production : A-Ken

Distribution : Diversion cinéma, Agata Di Tommaso

Public : adult


Draw for change: existimos, resistimos

By Mariana Cadenas Sangronis
Belgium / 2023 / Fiction - animation / Spanish, french, english, dutch / 15'


Femicides happen every day in Mexico. We follow Maremoto in her fight against sexisme, fear and anxiety. She is a creative visual artist, with a strong sensibility.


Production : Clin d'oeil film


Distribution : Unframed collection, Sara Fatucci


Public : Adult



By Line Katcho 
Canada / 2023 / Expérimental /  12' / Without dialogue


Immortelle is a cathartic and dynamic 6DOF trip into the mind of an artist in turmoil. In this immersive artwork with light interaction, viewers travel through different scenes and seasons that show both the soft and fiery sides of a fighter spirit. Based on a live show by composer Line Katcho.


Production : Mutek

Distribution : ASTREA, Alexis Bourson

Public : Adult

Le temps du monstre / Age of the monster

By Benjamin Nuel
France / 2023 / Animation /  15' / French (voice of Romane Bohringer).


Through a succession of time jumps from the 70s to a post-anthropocene future, we follow in the footsteps of a mysterious creature with whom we journey across eras. Directed by Benjamin Nuel, winner of the Best VR Story Award in Venice in 2018, AGE OF THE MONSTER is an interactive and dreamlike experience.

Production : Atlas V, Albyon

Distribution : Astrea, Alexis Bourson

Public : Adult

Fresh memories: the look

By Volodymyr Kolbasa & Ondrej Moravec
Ukraine, Czech Republic / 2023 / Documentary / 10’ / Without dialogue


Look into the eyes of inhabitants from Kharkiv as they face the consequences of war in Ukraine. Bombed houses, schools and hospitals are food for thought about the reality of war. The faces you see - men and women, young or old - offer no explanation, no friendly sign. Can you hold their gaze?


Production : Brainz Studios, Ondrej Moravec, Robin Pultera

Distribution : Ondrej Moravec


Public : Teenager, Adult



21-22 USA

By Thierry Loa
Canada / 2023 / Documentary / 37’ / Without dialogue


We live in the Anthropocene epoch marked by the human impact on the planet. "21-22 USA" offers an immersive cinematic journey across the world's largest superpower for a profound look at its landscapes: urban expansion, suburban sprawls, industrial development, oil fields, climate disasters, transformed natural territories.


Production : Hellohello Productions, Thierry Loa

Distribution : Diversion cinéma, Agata Di Tommaso

Public : Adult