Brendan Canty

  • Café_court_Brendan_Canty
    21 January 2021
    By Fanny Dauny

    Watch the interview with the Irish filmmaker Brendan Canty about his short film Jam selected in the 2021 International Competition (I12 programme).

  • JAM_5-OK-RVB
    16 January 2021
    By Abla Kandalaft

      Interview with Brendan Canty, director of Jam I notice the film was directed by yourself and written by Sam Lazar. How did that collaborative process come about? Did you develop the idea together or where you involved as a director after the script was written? I came on board after the script was written so had no correspondence with Sam. However, he kindly […]

Clermont ISFF | Brendan Canty | Clermont ISFF
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