Chanrado Sok

  • Chanrado_Sok_Kongkea_Vann
    15 February 2022
    By Élise Loiseau

    Watch the interview with the Cambodian filmmakers Chanrado Sok and Kongkea Vann about their short film Somleng reatrey [Sound of the Night] selected in the 2022 International Competition (I11 programme).

  • SOTN2
    30 January 2022
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Chanrado Sok and Kongkea Vann, directors of Somleng Reatrey [Sound of the Night] Kongkea Vann, can you tell us a bit about your inspirations and the story behind Somleng Reatrey?First, I met Chanrado Sok, who is the co-director of Somleng Reatrey. He suggested making this story and that’s how we started writing together. By the way, the reason why I made […]

Clermont ISFF | Chanrado Sok | Clermont ISFF
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