
  • F–RienDImportant-1-RVB
    3 February 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with François Robic, director of Rien d’important  Where did you get the idea for Rien d’important?  After making a documentary where I’d filmed my sister and her friends I wanted to make a fiction film with people who hadn’t acted before, who would play themselves in directed improvisations, which we reworked live during shooting. I also wanted to make a film simply, with a […]

  • Jamil McGinnis
    3 February 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Watch the interview with the American filmmaker Jamil McGinnis about his short film as time passes selected in the 2023 Lab Competition (L1 programme).

  • F–Auxiliaire-3-RVB
    1 February 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Lucas Bacle, director of d’Auxiliaire Can you tell us little bit about how your film came about? It’s the story of a young man with a disability and his caregiver and how their relationship is thrown into disorder when the caregiver decides to leave.   The idea for this film emerged when three friends – a director, an actor and a producer – […]

  • I-Cut-2-RVB
    1 February 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Min-zun Son, director of Cut What was the starting point for Cut? I always have a longing for acting in the field. However, the minor actor didn’t have a chance. What if I’m the main character? I came to think of the short film Cut with this thought.  What was your cinematic inspiration for Cut?  I just wanted to act. However, I didn’t have […]

  • F–Amarres-3-RVB
    31 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Valentine Caille, director of Amarres  What did you wish to explore through Livia and Louis’ relationship? The complexity of sibling love. I think that brothers and sisters are capable of experiencing extreme emotions for each other; they can unconditionally hate and love one other. I initially wanted to make a film about the personal journey of a sister faced with her brother’s […]

  • I-KohaWaTapaha-1-RVB
    31 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Salar Pashtoonyar, director of Koha wa Tapaha [Hills and Mountains] In Koha wa Tapaha, we hear the voice of the main character as she tells her story, but we don’t see her. What was your intent behind this choice?  There are two reasons. One was a creative choice and the second out of a solution to an obstacle imposed on us. Creatively, […]

  • F–Ecorchée-6-RVB
    31 January 2023
    By Sarah Momesso

    Interview with Joachim Hérissé, director of Écorchée [Skinned] What did you want to explore in this relationship between the two women? Who or what inspired this relationship between them?With this film, I wanted to express the feelings that came from fever nightmares that I had as a child, in which I could feel my body going from an empty state to a full […]

  • I-BaileEntretenido-1-RVB
    31 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Casandra Campo Ernst, director of Baile Entretenido [Fun Dance] Your film features a lead character who comes back home and reunites with her former friends. Did you have any real-life experiences which led you to write about the topic?We wrote the script together with Tiare, who is also the protagonist of the short film and a great friend. Everything arose from […]

  • F–TomVeutRentrer-3-RVB
    30 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Arthur Bacry and Marianne Gaudillère, co-directors of Tom veut rentrer [Tom Wants Home] Who inspired these characters for you? What did you want to explore through their relationship?Arthur: The main source of inspiration was my brother, who is deaf. In our family, he is the only deaf person. He went through all of his schooling with deaf children and learned sign […]

  • F–Bitume-1-RVB
    30 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Léo Blandino, director of Bitume [Asphalt] How did you happen to think of making a film about truck drivers?I wrote the script with Thimothée Meyrieux-Drevet who shared his research on drivers and the evolution of their working conditions. I was immediately interested by the topic. So then we had to figure out how to talk about it and come up with a […]

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