

Expresso Video – Sonja Feldmeier

Watch the interview with the Swiss filmmaker Sonja Feldmeier about her short film The Peepul Tree selected in the 2021 International Competition (I4 programme).

25 February 2021

Expresso Video – Fernando Criollo

Watch the interview with the Peruvian filmmaker Fernando Criollo about his short film Cumbres y Cenizas selected in the 2021 International Competition (I14 programme).

24 February 2021

Expresso Video – Noé Debré

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Noé Debré about his short film On n’est pas des animaux selected in the 2021 National and International Competitions (F12 programme).

24 February 2021

Expresso Video – Samuel Morris

Watch the interview with the Swiss filmmaker Samuel Morris about his short film Desert Dogs selected in the 2021 International Competition (I10 programme).

24 February 2021

Expresso Video – Jonas Riemer

Watch the interview with the German filmmaker Jonas Riemer about his short film Der Übers Meer Kam selected in the 2021 International Competition (I12 programme).

24 February 2021

Expresso Video – Öykü Orhan

Watch the interview with the Turkish filmmaker Öykü Orhan about her short film Paydos selected in the 2021 International Competition (I4 programme).

24 February 2021

Expresso Video – Pablo Giles

Watch the interview with the Mexican filmmaker Pablo Giles about his short film Bisho selected in the 2021 International Competition (I13 programme).

24 February 2021

Expresso Video – María Cristina Pérez

Watch the interview with the Colombian filmmaker María Cristina Pérez about her short film Todo es Culpa de la Sal selected in the 2021 International Competition (I3 programme).

24 February 2021

Expresso Video – Sami Tlili

Watch the interview with the Tunisian filmmaker Sami Tlili about his short film Hors-jeu flagrant selected in the 2021 International Competition (I13 programme).

24 February 2021

Expresso Video – Kim Tran

Watch the interview with the Vietnamese filmmaker Kim Tran about her short film Zoe and Hanh selected in the 2021 International Competition (I1 programme).

24 February 2021
Clermont ISFF | international | Clermont ISFF
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