Jeunesse perdue

  • Café_court_François_Zabaleta
    22 January 2021
    By Fanny Dauny

    Watch the interview with the French filmmaker François Zabaleta about his short film Jeunesse perdue selected in the 2021 National Competition (F1 programme).

    16 January 2021
    By Élise Loiseau

      Interview with François Zabaleta, director of Jeunesse perdue [Lost Youth]  This nine-minute documentary is both introspective and retrospective, looking back at a trip you took to San Francisco in your youth. What sparked your desire to put this memory into images, to give it a cinematic destiny? Jeunesse perdue is a small (autobiographical) part of a monologue (mainly a work of fiction) that I wrote for the theater and turned into a feature film, Chien perdu [Lost Dog], this summer. I felt like this very young man’s story, this young kid who dreams of America and films, who crosses the […]

Clermont ISFF | Jeunesse perdue | Clermont ISFF
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