Zoe and Hanh

  • Café_court_Kim_Tran
    24 February 2021
    By Fanny Dauny

    Watch the interview with the Vietnamese filmmaker Kim Tran about her short film Zoe and Hanh selected in the 2021 International Competition (I1 programme).

  • Zoe_and_Hanh_Still_1-OK-RVB
    8 January 2021
    By Abla Kandalaft

      Interview with Kim Tran, director of Zoe and Hanh Obvious question. How much of this film is autobiographical? It’s not really autobiographical, but it was inspired by my upbringing and how I was never given the sex talk by my parents. I wanted to explore the ramifications of that through an aging mother and her grown up daughter, specifically through the lens (and […]

Clermont ISFF | Zoe and Hanh | Clermont ISFF
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