The film director and video artist Rosie Pedlow joins the Lab Jury.
After studying Film and Animation, she went on to make a number of shorts both independently and collaboratively.
Later she studied Contemporary Art Theory and Criticism, since which her practice has expanded, spilling over into works that operate in tandem with or as an adjunct to moving image, playing freely with and between the spaces of site, screen and gallery.
He work holds an ongoing fascination not only with notions of landscape and place but the various ways human beings construct and navigate space.
She also make video clips, live performances and radio productions (BBC Radio 4).

Her work has been shown in galleries, cinemas and theatres, at festivals, on television and even in the middle of the woods.
Recently, she completed an exciting collaboration with the band Tindersticks for their naw albulm and series of cine-concerts, “The waiting Room“.