For Whom the Short Tolls?


For whom the short tolls 2019 #7

Game over! The correct answer was: Ca$h by Tan Wei Ting  (I3) During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film […]


For whom the short tolls 2019 #6

Game over! The correct answer was: Our Song to War by Juanita Onzaga (L5 programme) During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand […]

For whom the short tolls 2019 #5

Game over! The correct answer was: Le chant d’Ahmed by Foued Mansour (F8 programme) During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International […]


For whom the short tolls 2019 #4

Game over! The correct answer was: Harmonie by Bertrand Dezoteux (F10 programme) During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film […]


For whom the short tolls 2019 #3

Game over! The correct answer was: To Plant a Flag by Bobbie Peers (I9 programme) During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings! Here is track from Clermont […]


For whom the short tolls 2019 #2

During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls?” […]


For whom the short tolls 2019 #1

Game over! The correct answer was: Fauve by Jérémy Comte (I1 programme) During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film […]


For whom the short tolls 2018 #15

Game over! The correct answer was: Snap by Felipe Elgueta, Ananké Pereira and Alba Fabiola Gaviraghi Espinoza (L4 programme)   During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, […]


For whom the short tolls 2018 #13

Game over! The correct answer was: Ato san nen by Pedro Collantes (F8 programme)   During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is […]


For whom the short tolls 2018 #14

Game over! The correct answer was: Un monde sans bêtes by Emma Benestan and Adrien Lecouturier (F10 programme)   During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a […]

Clermont ISFF | For Whom the Short Tolls? | Clermont ISFF
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