Game over! The correct answer was: Stoerre Vaerie by Amanda Kernell (I14 programme) . During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, AND the programm in […]
The leg is over! The correct answer was: O Guardador by Rodrigo Areias (I9 programme) During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, AND the programm in which the short is […]
Game over! The correct answer was: Gelem by Alon Sahar (L2 programme) . During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, AND the programm in which […]
Game over! The correct answer was: Amazonas by Carlos Piñeiro (I11 programme) . During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is track #3 from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls ?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, AND the programm […]
The leg is over! The correct answer was: Blanquette by Charlie Belin (I8 programme). During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, AND the programm in which the short is […]
Game over! The correct answer was: Voor film by Douwe Dijkstra (L3 programme) . During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is track #1 from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, AND the programm […]
Game over! The correct answer was: La danse des mots by Jean-Marc Rohart (F2 programme) . During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is track #2 from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls ?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, […]
Game over! The correct answer was: Maniac by Bo Mirosseni (F4 programme) Answer it and you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings ! Here is track #17 from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls ?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, AND the programm in which the […]
The leg is over! The correct answer was: Maryam by Sidi Saleh (I8 programme). Answer it and you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings ! Here is track #18 from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls ?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, AND the programm in […]
Game over! The correct answer was: Let Me Down Easy by Matthew De Filippis and Elisia Mirabelli (L2 programme) Answer it and you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings ! Here is track #15 from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls ?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s […]