A Hidden Trail

  • final0030
    7 February 2022
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Hsuan Kang Tsai, director of A Hidden Trail Your film deals with migrant workers who carry felled logs in the forest. Did you gather a lot of testimony and information about their situation during your preparation?This story is adapted from a real event. When I was writing this story, I was also editing a documentary about the death and suffering cases […]

  • Hsuan_Kang_Tsai
    2 February 2022
    By Élise Loiseau

    Watch the interview with the Taiwanese filmmaker Hsuan Kang Tsai about his short film A Hidden Trail selected in the 2022 International Competition (I9 programme).

Clermont ISFF | A Hidden Trail | Clermont ISFF
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