Interview with Osman Cerfon, director of Je sors acheter des cigarettes [I’m Going Out for Cigarettes] I read that the film was selected by the Locarno festival on just a working copy – that is quite rare. Did you feel a lot of buzz generating around this film from the beginning? It’s always difficult to say. Indeed, I had good feedback on the […]
An interview with Marta Pajek, director of III Can you explain the title III a little bit? III is a part of a film triptych entitled Impossible Figures and Other Stories. The three short animated films which form it are inspired by the concept of an impossible figure – one that you can draw according to all rules of perspective and geometry, but which is […]
Interview with Prïncia Car, director of Barcelona How did you get the actors together? Did the writing happen as you went along? Within what framework was it written? Invited by the association Ph’Art et Balises (a cultural association that has been very active in underprivileged areas in Marseilles for over 10 years), I led a writing and acting workshop for three months last […]
An interview with Mohamed Hossameldin, director of Yousef Being of Egyptian origin yourself, have you experienced any feelings similar to your character’s in the wake of the Macerata shootings? In recent years, after every terrorist attack in Europe, I felt at first uncomfortable, then I started to feel a real fear, for me, for my family, like I felt that the public opinion […]
Interview with Roberto Catani, director of Per Tutta la Vita [For Your Whole Life] What can you tell us about how Per Tutta la Vita came to be? The film originated with me thinking about the pain we feel at the end of a relationship, and about our ever-more frequent inability to accept that pain. The idea of telling a love story by reversing […]
An interview with Paul Szynol, director of The Pull Why did you choose to explore the subject of addiction? I was actually shooting a film about a poetry program in the New Hampshire jail where John was housed, and the full scope of the opioid situation hit me during that process, as I talked to the many inmates who were serving time on drug […]
An interview with Nathalie Saugeon, director of Roberto le canari Can you tell us about the origins of Roberto le canari? The day my son’s canary died, he was devastated. I felt a huge gap between his sorrow –true mourning – and my pragmatism: what should we do with this canary? Should we burry him? It was both funny and upsetting and that […]
An interview with Oliver Adam Kusio, director of Liebe – Oder Erinnerung An Judith R. (Love – In Memory of Judith R.) Why did you want to set up the action in an isolated environment? There’s a beautiful German term for stories that take place in confined spaces – “Kammerspiel” which translates into “chamber play”. While writing the script for Love, I somehow […]
Interview with Nara Normande, director of Guaxuma Sand is a reference to your childhood on the beach, but we can imagine that it’s also a way to evoke many other things. What effects, what impressions did you want to elicit in the viewer through this technique? Sand is a very malleable material that can take many shapes, and which can change and transform […]
An interview with Manuela Gray, director of The Number What was the appeal in the subject matter? What alerted you to the “Number gangs”? The Number gangs and their markings are at the intersection of two aspects of my life and work… As an artist, I have long found fascination in the “brutality”, power and fear that their marks engender. I am also a […]