Interview with Raphaële Bezin, director of L’espace commun [Common Space] How many films did you watch in order to get the sequences you used in L’espace commun? I must have seen about 120, but I only used 28 in the end. What interested you about the principle of composition for the images? I initially wanted the different visions of Rome to face off. Each […]
Interview with Bertrand Dezoteux, director of Harmonie [Harmony] What interests you about space exploration? Why did you want to open your film with the desire to explore an unknown planet? All of the my projects have an element of science fiction. That element is probably more evident in this film since it has a direct link to space, but for me, science fiction […]
Interview with Wissam Charaf, director of Souvenir inoubliable d’un ami [Unforgettable Memory of a Friend] Can you tell us a little bit about the development of Souvenir inoubliable d’un ami? I was more interested in the memories that came back to me than in filming childhood per se. As it happens, the memories in question, which were quite uncomfortable and did no one […]
An interview with Tony Koros, director of Tithes & Offerings Why were you interested in picturing a fraudulent pastor? A few years ago, a local TV station in Kenya conducted an investigation into a very popular televangelist who was running a “miracle” scam. He would cast out demons, heal diseases and turn water into wine. It turned out that he was doing this […]
Interview with François Vogel, director of Erebeta Did the film begin with the music, or did you choose it after having the idea of creating this visual journey? I went to Japan for a festival (thanks for festivals!) and I did a lot of walking about in Sapporo where the festival was taking place, and in Tokyo where I spent a few days. […]
Interview with Baptiste Petit-Gats, director of Des fleurs (Flowers) Could you tell us a little bit about how the film developed, from the writing stage to post-production? Since Des fleurs is my first film, the writing process has been relatively long and empirical. At first I worked alone on the characters of the mother and son, writing dozens of scenes from their lives: the son […]
An interview with Philip Andelman, director of The Big Break Who or what inspired you to write the main character of The Big Break? The main character was supposed to be representative of an American every-man. A guy who does everything by the books, who is a dutiful husband and father, a diligent worker, and simply cannot get ahead in life. There’s a growing sense […]
An interview with Réka Bucsi, director of Solar Walk How much are you generally interested in cosmology? I like to think about things that I know I’m not able to understand. I like to feel the limits to my brain in terms of understanding distance, time, the concept of infinity etc. Space offers a variety of those things, and makes me feel my […]
Interview with Jérémy Comte, director of Fauve Why did you want to highlight the wanderings of these two aimless children? I grew up in the Quebec countryside, so for me, it’s a world that I know quite well. At that age, I spent my time exploring the woods with my best friend and we were constantly playing pranks on each other. Why did […]
An interview with Nikita Diakur, director of Fest How did you create the animation for Fest? The animation is simulated. The characters are puppets that hang on virtual strings, kind of like marionettes in digital 3D space. The animator controls the puppets by pulling the strings. Working like this seems to give the characters actual freedom and personality since they not always do […]