

Nightcap with La Entrega [The Hand Over]

Interview with Pedro Díaz, director of La Entrega [The Hand Over]  La Entrega deals with loneliness and trauma. What is it that draws you to such topics?The thing that interests me […]

23 January 2023

Dinner with The Age of Innocence

   Interview with Maximilian Bungarten, director of The Age of Innocence  Who or what inspired you the character of Lev?Young men that work on a construction sites. In Germany, […]

22 January 2023

Tea time with Please Make It Work

Interview with Daniel Soares, director of Please Make it Work  Did you use an in-camera editing technique, without additional elements? Is it for you an experiment or a routine?The film is […]

22 January 2023

Expresso Video – Catarina Romano

Watch the interview with the Portuguese filmmaker Catarina Romano about her short film Seja Como For selected in the 2021 International Competition (I9 programme).

18 February 2021

Expresso Video – Tito González García

Watch the interview with the Chilean filmmaker Tito González García about his short film Sphinx selected in the 2021 National Competition (F6 programme).

4 February 2021

Expresso Video – Mei Liu

Watch the interview with the Chinese filmmaker Mei Liu about her short film Happy Ending selected in the 2021 International Competition (I4 programme).

24 January 2021

Expresso Video – Daniel Gray

Watch the interview with the Welsh filmmaker Daniel Gray about his short film HIDE selected in the 2021 Lab Competition (L2 programme).

23 January 2021

Breakfast with Invisível Herói [Invisible Hero]

  Interview with Christèle Alves Meira, director of Invisível Herói [Invisible Hero] The film, I believe, is staged, but it sometimes looks documentary. How did you achieve this result? Duarte […]

8 February 2020

Lunch with Mustererkenntnis [Pattern Cognition]

  Interview with Thorsten Fleisch, director of Mustererkenntnis [Pattern Cognition] How often do you direct cinematographic experiments? How many have you directed including a journey into extremely overcharged screens? I’ve been […]

8 February 2020

Dinner with Mascot

  Interview with Leeha Kim, director of Mascot What did you want to explore when creating this great character of a fox training in a mascot academy? I wanted to […]

8 February 2020
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