Casper Kjeldsen

  • Kasper_Rudolf_Emil_Kjeldsen
    10 February 2022
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Watch the interview with the Danish filmmaker Casper Rudolf Emil Kjeldsen about his short film Det Er i Jorden selected in the 2022 Lab Competition (L2 programme).

  • Det Er i jorden-RVB
    28 January 2022
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Casper Kjeldsen, director of Det Er i Jorden [In the Soil] Is thriller your favorite genre to direct?I don’t have a favorite genre to direct but every time I make a film I always gravitate towards the horrific and terrifying. I think that the cinematic language of these genres is very maximalist and made to confront and withhold the audience in […]

Clermont ISFF | Casper Kjeldsen | Clermont ISFF
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