
  • Je les aime tous 1
    7 February 2017
    By Clotilde Couturier

    During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, AND the programme in which the short is screened at Clermont. The invitations will be offered to the […]

  • Bind Sex 2
    7 February 2017
    By Clotilde Couturier

      Interview with Sarah Santamaria-Mertens, director of Blind Sex    Why did you decide to open the film with a love scene that is imposed on the character? That scene is the first one that I had in mind while writing the script and it remained intact through the final editing. I liked the idea of entering the story through sound, and then contrasting […]

  • princessx 1
    7 February 2017
    By Clotilde Couturier

    During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, AND the programme in which the short is screened at Clermont. The invitations will be offered to the […]

  • I7-1-Honey and Old Cheese
    6 February 2017
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Game over! The correct answer was: Honey and old cheese by Yassine El Idrissi (I7 programme) During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, AND the programme in […]

  • L3-5LOVE_horse_and_reflection_ps
    6 February 2017
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Game over! The correct answer was: Love by Reka Bucsi (L3 programme) During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, AND the programme in which the short is screened […]

  • L4-6DECORADO_01 – copie
    5 February 2017
    By Clotilde Couturier

    During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, AND the programme in which the short is screened at Clermont. The invitations will be offered to the […]

  • Marie salope 3
    4 February 2017
    By Clotilde Couturier

    During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, AND the programme in which the short is screened at Clermont. The invitations will be offered to the […]

  • I11-2-Fly
    4 February 2017
    By Clotilde Couturier

    During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls?” You must find the exact title of this film, the complete director’s name, AND the programme in which the short is screened at Clermont. The invitations will be offered to the […]

  • Republique des enchanteurs (La) photo_officielle_2
    3 February 2017
    By Clotilde Couturier

    The leg is over! The correct answer was: La république des enchanteurs by Fanny Liatard et Jérémy Trouilh (F1 programme).   During all the week, you can win two invitations for the Festival screenings, twice a day! Here is track from Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival to win the game “For whom the short tolls?” You must find the exact title of this film, the […]

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