
  • dejalo-ser1
    14 February 2018
    By Clotilde Couturier

      An interview with Txema Novelo, director of Déjalo Ser  Which cameras did you use to shoot? How did you create that 80’s style? I shoot Déjalo Ser entirely on Super 8 mm color negative. Using as far as I know the only camera that after the death of Super 8 mm sound film allowed to synchronize dialogue and sounds with an external recording device. […]

  • samedi_10-58
    14 February 2018
    By Sarah Clément

    #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 100%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Expresso – Amy Wang, réalisatrice de “Unnatural” (programme I11) © Sauve qui peut le court métrage, Baptiste Chanat Expresso – Carlos Segundo, réalisateur de “Subcutâneo” (programme […]

  • Tea time with <em data-lazy-src=https://clermont-filmfest.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/tea-time-with-kampung-tapir-1-840x285.jpg><noscript><img src=https://clermont-filmfest.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/tea-time-with-kampung-tapir-1-840x285.jpg width=840 height=285 id=home_fader-29886 class=
    14 February 2018
    By Clotilde Couturier

      An interview with See Wee Aw, director of Kampung Tapir  Is Kampung Tapir city real or imaginary? Kampung Tapir is a fictional place, but it is inspired by most of the village/town names from Malaysia. Usually the place named after the animal or mines etc due to the various amount of it in the place. There is a place called “Kampung Gajah” means “Elephant […]

  • nachtschade-still-1
    14 February 2018
    By Clotilde Couturier

      An interview with Shady El-Hamus, director of Nachtschade  Why did you want to focus a film on an illegal immigrants transporter? It all started with some CCTV footage I saw online of a minivan on a European highway – suddenly it flips 180 degrees and then comes to a halt. The driver gets out and runs off and then from the back of […]

  • ugly
    14 February 2018
    By Clotilde Couturier

      An interview with Nikita Diakur, director of Ugly  How much were you interested in small acts of malice and reality’s hardness? It is something that everyone encounters. Plus, small acts of malice can turn into big ones very quickly. Therefore, it is an important topic to talk about.  Why were you interested in a Native American look-alike character? Native American culture has an […]

  • manivald-001
    13 February 2018
    By Abla Kandalaft

      An interview with Chintis Lundgren, director of Manivald  What gave you the idea of using foxes and wolves to tell this story? I like to use anthropomorphic characters because it’s easier for the viewer to identify themselves with animals than it would be with human characters. And if you do identify with a character and recognize yourself in them, it gives you a […]

  • sacred-disease-the
    13 February 2018
    By Clotilde Couturier

      An interview with Erica Scoggins, director of The Sacred Disease  Why were you interested in hopeless diseases? By hopeless, do you mean incurable, chronic, or unexplainable? The Sacred Disease is based on my experience with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, partial seizures stemming from the part of the brain controlling memory and emotion. A “misfire” in this part of the brain produces strange episodes consisting of […]

  • piledcloud_filmstill_5
    12 February 2018
    By Clotilde Couturier

      An interview with Cheuk Man Wong, director of Piled Cloud  How did you get the inspiration for Piled cloud ? I was inspired by an experience of a friend. My friend who was from Mainland China came to Hong Kong to study film. Due to distorted property market and rocket high rental price in Hong Kong, many local people cannot afford to rent an entire […]

  • hamsa-the3
    12 February 2018
    By Abla Kandalaft

      An interview with Gadzhimurad Efendiev, director of The Hamsa  Could you explain to us what “hamsa” means and what it refers to here? Hamsa, in Arabic, means five, exactly five main actors in the film. Hamsa is also the Hand of Miriam (Fatima). Women with an unshakable character, ready to endure any test of fate. Why is the title an Arabic word? This […]

  • byebyepuceau2
    12 February 2018
    By Abla Kandalaft

      An interview with Pierre Boulanger, director of Bye bye les puceaux (Bye, Bye Virgins)  How did you come up with the idea of exploring the relationship between Inès and Abdel? In the film, Inès and Abdel are two teenagers. They’re strangers to each other and their worlds and personalities are incompatible. While the difference of the sexes tends to soften when we’re adults, it’s […]

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