
  • F–LasCriaturasQueSeDerritenBajoElSol-1-RVB
    1 February 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Diego Céspedes, director of Las Criaturas Que se Derriten Bajo el Sol [The Melting Creatures] How did you get the inspiration for Las Criaturas Que se Derriten Bajo el Sol ?The original idea came from an image that was more plastic than thematic: the idea of a community melting under the sun and that they played games to find out who […]

  • F–SètLam-3-RVB
    1 February 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Vincent Fontano, director of Sèt Lam  How does dance factor into your inspiration for Sèt Lam? To what extent was the act of dancing important to you? For Sèt Lam, dance is at the heart of the film because it is an act that heals, that creates community, and that helps deals with grief. The “Kabaré service” is a very special space […]

  • L–Plstc-1-RVB
    30 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Laen Sanches, director of PLSTC  Could you explain what the acronym PLSTC represents?  PLSTC is an invented acronym that simply means “plastic.” This word has several advantages: it is succinct, legible, and phonetically understandable in most languages. Also, with its “visually missing” letters, it also perhaps illustrates the idea that plastic does not totally disintegrate but rather, remains, in spite of everything, […]

  • F–CuiCuiCui-3-RVB
    29 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Cécile Mille, director of Cui cui cui  Why did you choose this subject? The desire to have children is a subject that I had to deal with for quite a few years. Later on, I saw others going through the same ordeal and I bore the guilt of those who succeeded. The birth of Cui cui cui comes from the desire to […]

  • I-DesVoisinsDansMaCour-1-RVB
    29 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Eli Jean Tahchi, director of Des voisins dans ma cour  What can you say about the wall that separates Mont-Royal, one of the wealthiest neighborhoods of Montreal, from Parc-Extensions, a neighborhood where immigrants and some of the city’s poorest people live? Since 1960, a fence made of chain links and steel rods, lining the Boulevard de l’Acadie—two meters high, 1.6 kilometers long, […]

  • F–RessourcesHumaines-1-RVB
    29 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Trinidad Plass, Titouan Tillier and Isaac Wenzek, co-directors of Ressources humaines  What was the starting point for the inspiration of the film? Are you particularly fond of certain objects?  We based the film around the theme “recycle what is not of use” and we thought that for once, it would be interesting if the material to be recycled were humans. This led […]

  • I-Nurture-5-RVB
    29 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Sasha Argirov, director of Nurture Why did you choose this title in particular? Nurture just popped into my head one day when I was writing a draft of the script. As a title, it sums up the entire story for me. It also provides the perfect ironic counterpoint to the first image we see at the start of the film.  What was […]

  • L–Persona-2-RVB
    28 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Sujin Moon, director of Persona What was you inspiration for Persona?My inspiration was my eagerness to understand myself. When I was in the preproductionphase of the film, I was in a long slump where I was questioning who I was as a person. As an artist who’s inspired theme is self-reflection, this was an obstruction to my filmmaking process. However, I […]

  • F–HorsSaison-1-RVB
    28 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Francescu Artily, director of Hors-saison [Off-season]  How did you come up with the idea for Hors-saison ?The story comes from my own experiences; it resonates with my first professional experience in audiovisual work. I had just finished film school when I found a fulltime job as cameraman in a production company in Corsica. The job meant I could earn a living when we […]

  • Yann-Gonzalez
    28 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Yann Gonzalez about his short film Hideous selected in the 2023 Lab Competition (L3 programme).

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