
  • I-Sciaraballa-3-RVB
    28 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Mino Capuano, director of Sciaraballa What did you wish to explore through the relationship between Dario and Mimmo, his son? The goal of this film was to tell a simple emotion: embarrassment. So I wanted to tell about the incommunicability between a father and a son. In a universal condition of anxiety about the future, a father’s plea for help collides with […]

  • 152
    28 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Watch the interview with the Belgian filmmaker Michael Abay about his short film Klette selected in the 2023 National Competition (I3 programme).

  • L–ElSembradorDeEstrellas-3-RVB
    28 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Lois Patiño, director of El Sembrador de Estrellas [The Sower of Stars] How often do you work on poetry? Did you write a part of El Sembrador de Estrellas by yourself?I’m not used to writing poetry, just sometimes, but I like to read it a lot, and this project was a beautiful reason to start writing more. The script of this […]

  • F–VilleÉternelle-3-RVB
    28 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Garance Kim, director of Ville éternelle [The Eternal City]  Why the choice of the Seine-et-Marne department as the setting? Who was the inspiration for these two characters?The starting point of this film was a desire for two characters who weren’t supposed to find themselves together to meet. To make this happen, we decided to nourish each one with personal anecdotes. So […]

  • I-AindaRestarãoRobôs-2-RVB
    27 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Guilherme Xavier Ribeiro, director of Ainda Restarão Robôs Nas Ruas Do Interior Profundo Can you tell us more about the choice of title?Last four years in deep Brazil we were bombarded by robots of far-right movements, financed by the same economic agents that destroy nature and kill people with social vulnerability. By triggering fake news, they create a collective delirium and […]

  • F–OvanGruvan-3-RVB300
    27 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Théo Audoire and Lova Karlsson, co-directors of Ovan Gruvan  How did you learn of the situation in this city? Lova had been there several times, so she had heard about relocations. Kiruna sits atop the largest iron mine in Europe, and this mining activity threatens certain neighborhoods from collapse. This situation particularly concerns the city center, which is currently being relocated three […]

  • I-Clean-1-RVB
    27 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Miranda Stern, director of Clean It’s a very candid piece of work. What was the context and what were your motivations for telling this story?Scientific research exploring the self-administration of morphine in animals in the 1970s proved that when rats were offered two water bottles – one filled with water and the other with heroin – the rats would repetitively drink […]

  • F-Aban-4-RVB
    27 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Abbas Taheri and Mahdieh Toosi, co-directors of Aban What has inspired Aban’s character?Abbas: My cousin struggled to get his real gender by surgery in a patriarchal family. His childish insist on getting called by a male name, instead of his female birthname while he was four, were soon transformed to gender identity disorder and his brave efforts inspired me to work on […]

  • L–ThePhantomTouch-2-RVB
    27 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Pablo Cuturrufo, director of The Phantom Touch How did you construct your narrative from the VR chats in The Phantom Touch? Did you approach users with the project already in mind?       The narrative was built along the way, as when I started I was not sure what the documentary was going to be about. I just knew I wanted to explore and […]

  • F–BigBang-1-RVB
    26 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Carlos Segundo, director of Big Bang  What interested you in the relationship to extreme heat in Big Bang?Big Bang is the second short film in a trilogy of “space” films (the first one being Sideral). In Big Bang, I maintain my focus on the ordinary lives of the marginalized. But like in Sideral, I find the power and strength in the […]

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