Diana Cam Van Nguyen

  • Love, Dad-3-RVB
    30 January 2022
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Diana Cam Van Nguyen, director of Love, Dad How much is Love, Dad autobiographical?A lot. It’s my story, my voice, my handwriting. How did you work on the letters’ incorporation to the animation? Are they original letters? Did you film yourself for the female character or is it an actress?Yes, the letters are the original ones. And I know from the […]

  • Amélie Bonnin (36)
    27 January 2022
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Watch the interview with the Czech filmmaker Diana Cam Van Nguyen about her short film Love, Dad selected in the 2022 Lab Competition (L2 programme).

Clermont ISFF | Diana Cam Van Nguyen | Clermont ISFF
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