
  • Anne_Sophie_Bailly
    1 February 2022
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Anne-Sophie Bailly about her short film La Ventrière selected in the 2022 National Competition (F10 programme).

  • Anxious body-3-RVB
    31 January 2022
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Yoriko Mizushiri, director of Anxious Body How much is your creativity committed to the depiction of sensations and feelings? How did you work on this aspect for Anxious body specifically?I am not interested in giving a meaning or message through my work. Instead, I want to connect with the audience by expressing sensations and feelings that can be conveyed without a […]

  • Amélie Bonnin (35)
    28 January 2022
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Kate McMullen about her short film Little Berlin selected in the 2022 National Competition (F10 programme).

  • La Ventrière-3-RVB
    18 January 2022
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Anne-Sophie Bailly, director of La Ventrière [The Midwife] Why did you choose to use the Middle Ages to tell this story? And why set it in the Jura mountains?The Middle Ages is a very broad historical period, and is sometimes very caricatured. In the film, I depict the late Middle Ages, or even the early Renaissance, around 1600, and that’s a […]

  • A_la_mer_poussiere_still1-RVB
    12 January 2021
    By Clotilde Couturier

      Interview with Héloïse Ferlay, director of À la mer poussière [To the Dusty Sea] What materials did you use for the bodies and for the tears, and why this choice? How many times did you try different things before you found the effect you were looking for? My puppets’ bodies are covered in wool, the tears are made from hydroalcoholic gel before it […]

  • a-louest_rvb-1
    18 January 2020
    By Élise Loiseau

      Interview with Jérémie Cousin, director of À l’Ouest [Westward] What inspired you to make a short film about father-child relations, divorce and life’s trials? I wanted to make a film on the lack of communication in a family and the problems that can lead to. My parents are divorced and everyone is doing fine nowadays but I think we’ve all suffered from a […]

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