

Short talk – Anthony Brinig

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Anthony Brinig about his short film Cloche Petite aux merveilles du pays selected in the 2023 National Competition (F11 programme).

8 February 2023

Nightcap with Sèt Lam

Interview with Vincent Fontano, director of Sèt Lam  How does dance factor into your inspiration for Sèt Lam? To what extent was the act of dancing important to you? For […]


Nightcap with Partir un jour [Bye bye]

Interview with Amélie Bonnin, director of Partir un jour [Bye Bye] How did you come up with the character Julien? Why did you choose Normandy? The idea was simply the […]

5 February 2022

Short Talk – Marie Larrivé

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Marie Larrivé about her short film Noir-Soleil selected in the 2022 National Competition (F11 programme).

3 February 2022

Short Talk – Olivier Bayu Gandrille

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Olivier Bayu Gandrille about his short film TNT selected in the 2022 National Competition (F11 programme).

30 January 2022
Noir Soleil-4-RVB

Tea time with Noir-Soleil

Interview with Marie Larrivé, director of Noir-Soleil Had you visited Vesuvius before? Why did you choose that location for Noir-Soleil?Yes, I’d gone with my parents when I was a child […]

28 January 2022

Short Talk – Amélie Bonnin

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Amélie Bonnin about her short film Partir un jour selected in the 2022 National Competition (F11 programme).

25 January 2022
Les curiosités du mal-3-RVB

Nightcap with Les Curiosités du mal [The Hunt of the Unicorn]

Interview with Victor Trifilieff, director of Les Curiosités du mal [The Hunt of the Unicorn] Could you tell us how you came up with the title? What do you […]

17 January 2022

Breakfast with TNT

Interview with Olivier Bayu Gandrille, director of TNT Why did you choose to set the story during the 2005 riots? It wasn’t so much a choice as a desire to stay […]

16 January 2022

Expresso Video – Damien Salama

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Damien Salama about his short film Notre doctrine selected in the 2021 National Competition (F11 programme).

15 February 2021
Clermont ISFF | F11 | Clermont ISFF
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