Federico Barni

  • Café_court_Barni_Allica
    16 February 2021
    By Fanny Dauny

    Watch the interview with the Italian filmmaker Federico Barni and the Spanish filmmaker Alberto Allica about their short film Under the North Sea selected in the 2021 Lab Competition (L4 programme).

  • Under_The_North_Sea_Still_1-OK-RVB
    20 January 2021
    By Clotilde Couturier

      Interview with Federico Barni and Alberto Allica, codirectors of Under the North Sea How did you learn about dark matter studies? Federico:​ It never was something that registered much with me, I am more of a life sciences person and so what initially attracted me to Boulby mine was the presence of salt-loving extremophiles! And I think that’s the same with Alberto. Dark […]

Clermont ISFF | Federico Barni | Clermont ISFF
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