Trente ans après avoir été sélectionné en compétition nationale au festival de Clermont-Ferrand avec Toro Moreno (1983) et Homicide by Night (1985), Gérard Krawczyk revient pour une Master class consacrée au scénario. En tant que scénariste ou réalisateur, il a signé de grosses productions comme Taxi 3 et Fanfan la tulipe, mais aussi des œuvres plus personnelles telles que Je hais les acteurs ou […]
An interview with Mathilde Nègre, director of Mon bras armé [My Armed Arm] Why did you decide to animate My Armed Arm instead of using real actors? I came up with the scenario of My Armed Arm at the same time that I came up with the drawings. The film was written by selecting and staging animated shots at first, then the soundtrack […]
An interview with Bertrand Mandico, director of Notre Dame des Hormones [Our Lady of Hormones] Had you already dealt with filial relationships in your earlier films? Yes, Boro in the Box also dealt with filial relationships… In that film, there was a pregnant mother who throws herself into an abyss to rid herself of the child; the same child (who survived) who fantasizes about her mother being physically […]
An interview with Tibor Bànòczki and Sarolta Szabo, directors of Leftover Leftover paints several portraits. Each one of them is linked to food. What made you think of this theme? Leftover is a fictional animated short film based on unusual personal stories with the concept of eating alone. ‘Eating’ is one of the most important and fundamental terms of life, but since the […]