
  • Café_court_Caroline_Cherrier
    10 February 2021
    By Fanny Dauny

    Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Caroline Cherrier about her short film Horacio selected in the 2021 National Competition (F11 programme).

  • Horacio_PL09_v03_00207-RVB
    25 January 2021
    By Clotilde Couturier

      Interview with Caroline Cherrier, director of Horacio How did you come up with the idea for Horacio? My uncle worked with inmates, and he told me about a conversation he had with a convict, who summed up his act with these simple words: “She was yelling, she was yelling, and after… she wasn’t yelling any more”. That made an impression on me because it’s […]

Clermont ISFF | Horacio | Clermont ISFF
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