

Expresso Video – Martin Jauvat

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Martin Jauvat about his short film Le sang de la veine selected in the 2021 National Competition (F7 programme).

22 February 2021

Expresso Video – Bilel Chikri

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Bilel Chikri about his short film Narvalos selected in the 2021 National Competition (F4 programme).

22 February 2021

Expresso Video – Sarah Arnold

Watch the interview with the Swiss Italian filmmaker Sarah Arnold about her short film L’effort commercial selected in the 2021 National Competition (F12 programme).

19 February 2021

Expresso Video – Vincent Tricon

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Vincent Tricon about his short film À propos de Lanzarote en général et de Michel Houellebecq en particulier selected in the 2021 National […]

19 February 2021

Expresso Video – Michiel Blanchart

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Michiel Blanchart about his short film T’es morte Hélène selected in the 2021 National Competition (F11 programme).

18 February 2021

Expresso Video – Jean-Benoît Ugeux

Watch the interview with the Belgian filmmaker Jean-Benoît Ugeux about his short film Abada selected in the 2021 National Competition (F1 programme).

18 February 2021

Expresso Video – Anton Balekdjian

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Anton Balekdjian about his short film Les vilains petits canards selected in the 2021 National Competition (F7 programme).

17 February 2021

Expresso Video – Marjolaine Grandjean

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Marjolaine Grandjean about her short film Juste à Nantes selected in the 2021 National Competition (F3 programme).

17 February 2021

Expresso Video – Marion Le Corroller

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Marion Le Corroller about her short film Dieu n’est plus médecin selected in the 2021 National Competition (F2 programme).

16 February 2021

Expresso Video – Emma Séméria

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Emma Séméria about her short film La chamade selected in the 2021 National Competition (F8 programme).

16 February 2021
Clermont ISFF | national | Clermont ISFF
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