Night of the Living Dread

  • NOTLD_Still_2-min-1
    3 February 2022
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Ida Melum, director of Night of the Living Dread Night of the Living Dread is really relatable. Were you inspired by your own experience with anxiety?Absolutely. I find it fascinating how you can have a perfectly normal day, and then, at least for me, as soon as my head hits the pillow, my mind starts racing. I was always an anxious […]

  • Amélie Bonnin (21)
    28 January 2022
    By Élise Loiseau

    Watch the interview with the Norwegian filmmaker Ida Melum about her short film Night of the Living Dread selected in the 2022 International Competition (I9 programme).

Clermont ISFF | Night of the Living Dread | Clermont ISFF
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