Os Corpos

  • Café_court_EDS
    11 February 2021
    By Fanny Dauny

    Watch the interview with the Spanish filmmaker Eloy Domínguez Serén about his short film Os Corpos selected in the 2021 International Competition (I5 programme).

    10 January 2021
    By Abla Kandalaft

      Interview with Eloy Domínguez Serén, director of Os Corpos [The Bodies] Can you explain the choice of title? This short film is in a way a celebration of the encounter of the bodies, the flesh, seen from a time when this type of encounter is (temporarily) no longer allowed. They are bodies in ecstasy, sweaty, bewitched, raging, riotous… Thousands of people huddle, jump […]

Clermont ISFF | Os Corpos | Clermont ISFF
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