
  • I-Clean-1-RVB
    27 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Miranda Stern, director of Clean It’s a very candid piece of work. What was the context and what were your motivations for telling this story?Scientific research exploring the self-administration of morphine in animals in the 1970s proved that when rats were offered two water bottles – one filled with water and the other with heroin – the rats would repetitively drink […]

  • I-48Hours-1-RVB
    26 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Azadeh Moussavi, director of 48 Hours The film is a very moving account of a father’s struggle. What inspired you to tell his story?This film is inspired by my own childhood when my dad was a journalist and he was imprisoned for two years. How did you cast the film? And how did you work with the actors to re-create these subtle family […]

  • L–LaMécaniqueDesFluides-2-RVB
    25 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Gala Hernández López, director of La Mécanique des fluides [The Mechanics of Fluids] What prompted you to make a film about the issues raised by the messages left by Anathematic Anarchist? Do you plan to make other films addressing these issues?My initial desire was to make a film about the solitude specific to digital capitalism through the example of dating apps. […]

  • F–IOnceWasLost-3-RVB
    24 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Emma Limon, director of I Once Was Lost  What was the starting point for writing the script? My father has an incredible memory, not just for details about events from the past, but also about the precise thoughts he had at the time of those events. For thirteen years, he kept this story to himself, and all of a sudden one day […]

  • I-Portør-1-RVB
    23 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    An interview with Lisa Enes, director of Portør How familiar are you with the hospital as a workplace? Why did you set the film there?In 2016, I started working part-time at the bottom of the hospital hierarchy as a hospital porter – a person who moves patients and vital supplies between departments. Prior to this, hospitals were an unknown world for me. It was […]

  • F–GoFishboy-2-RVB
    23 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Denise Cirone, Sebastian Doringer, Andrey Kolesov, Chiayu Liu, Zhen Tian and Lan Zhou, co-directors of Go Fishboy Was Go Fishboy’s conception starting point an idea or a picture, such as a drawing?The seed for the story came from writing games we did at school. Two of our team members, Sebastian and Zhen, came up with the idea of a boy, who […]

  • F–ElAfterDelMundo-3-RVB
    22 January 2023
    By Clotilde Couturier

    Interview with Florentina Gonzalez, director of El After del Mundo What made you choose to locate this encounter in the middle of an environment in a process of destruction?I’m interested in dystopia as a genre because above all I feel it’s very entertaining and liberating: it all starts at the end of what we know. What did you find interesting in the relationship […]

  • I-Prishtinë-1-RVB
    22 January 2023
    By Abla Kandalaft

    Interview with Trëndelina Halili, director of Prishtinë, 2002 Who or what inspired the characters of the two friends? What did you want to explore through their relationship?The characters of the two friends in the film are based on real characters. So, the story is based on true events, with some fictitious interventions. The very idea for this film was initiated by these characters. […]

  • F–DesJeunesFillesEnterrentLeurVie-1-RVB
    19 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Maïté Sonnet, director of Des jeunes filles enterrent leur vie [Bachelorette Party] After Massacre, you’ve made Des jeunes filles enterrent leur vie which is more of a comedy. What was the starting point for this film?Actually, and bizarrely, I never thought I’d write a comedy more than anything else. Humor almost comes by itself, without my intending it, or else it comes through […]

  • I-Åsnelandet-1-RVB
    19 January 2023
    By Élise Loiseau

    Interview with Bahar Pars, director of Åsnelandet  I have read that Åsnelandet part of a trilogy. Can you tell about your inspirations and the story behind this trilogy?When I started working with the project, I noticed that it contained too many aspects and material for only one film. It was a way to challenge myself to repeat things, but from a different perspective […]

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