

Expresso Video – Marjolaine Grandjean

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Marjolaine Grandjean about her short film Juste à Nantes selected in the 2021 National Competition (F3 programme).

17 February 2021

Expresso Video – Marion Le Corroller

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Marion Le Corroller about her short film Dieu n’est plus médecin selected in the 2021 National Competition (F2 programme).

16 February 2021

Expresso Video – Emma Séméria

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Emma Séméria about her short film La chamade selected in the 2021 National Competition (F8 programme).

16 February 2021

Expresso Video – Lisa Diaz

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Lisa Diaz about her short film Eva voudrait selected in the 2021 National Competition (F1 programme).

11 February 2021

Expresso Video – Mathilde Parquet

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Mathilde Parquet about her short film Trona Pinnacles selected in the 2021 National Competition (F8 programme).

11 February 2021

Expresso Video – Caroline Cherrier

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Caroline Cherrier about her short film Horacio selected in the 2021 National Competition (F11 programme).

10 February 2021

Expresso Video – Sarra El Abed

Watch the interview with the Tunisian filmmaker Sarra El Abed about her short film Y’a pas d’heure pour les femmes selected in the 2021 International Competition (I7 programme).

10 February 2021

Expresso Video – Morgane Dziurla-Petit

Watch the interview with the French filmmaker Morgane Dziurla-Petit about her short film Grab Them selected in the 2021 International Competition (I14 programme).

10 February 2021

Expresso Video – Joanna Quinn

Watch the interview with the English filmmaker Joanna Quinn about her short film Affairs of the Art selected in the 2021 International Competition (I8 programme).

6 February 2021

Breakfast with Baba

  Interview with Sarah Blok and Lisa Konno, codirectors of Baba What motivated you to tell Baba’s story? Baba (Ceylan Utlu) is a very interesting character because of his ambiguity. […]

6 February 2021
Clermont ISFF | réalisatrice | Clermont ISFF
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