Interview with Christoph Büttner, director of In Seiner Gnade [In His Mercy] How did you come across La Torture par l’espérance, the particularly cruel short story by Auguste de Villiers de L’Isle-Adam, and what has drawn you to make an animated film of it?By March 2018 I already had been stuck since four months in story development of my graduation film. I realized […]
Interview with Varun Raman and Tom Hancock, co-directors of Man or Tree How did you come up with the idea for Man or Tree?It is based on a true story – the real-life experience of a friend, who had an intense salvia trip and had become convinced that he had lived the life of a tree for hundreds of years. Towards the end […]
Interview with Valéry Carnoy, director of Titan Who (or what) inspired you for Nathan’s character?When creating Nathan’s character, I was inspired by a childhood friend. A turbulent and reckless young boy who had the annoying habit of pushing me to my limits. A young man, who in intimate moments could be very sensitive and sweet. It is these two faces, tender and violent […]
Interview with Romain Dumont, director of Au plaisir les ordures ! (See You Garbage!) For your second short film, you chose to address the subject of class contempt and the mechanisms of social domination. Did current events, works of fiction or documentaries or even readings fuel this choice?I don’t see how current events could have inspired me to address class contempt, knowing that […]
Interview with Olivier van Malderghem, director of Au Circuit (At the Circuit) Why did you decide to shoot in black in white?The idea for this film came to me during a harsh, dark winter as I made my way across the deserted track. The characters and plot came later. When viewed in black and white, that place, which I’d photographed before, unveiled its […]
Interview with Émilie Pigeard, co-director of Babičino Seksualno Življenje [Granny’s Sexual Life] How did the idea of asking old women to speak about their sex life come to you and Urška? How did you manage to handle this sensitive topic with them?The idea for the film comes from a Slovenian book entitled Fire, Ass and Snakes Are Not Toys which transcribes the testimonies of women about […]
Interview with Cheol Hwi Kim, director of Hidden Road Can you tell us a bit about your inspirations and the story behind Hidden Road?It began with the image of two cars bumped on a deserted road. The story was built on that image, but the proper location didn’t seem to exist in Korea. So I tried my best to find the most similar location […]
Interview with Arthur Cahn, director of Jeudi, vendredi, samedi The relationship between Romain and Adémar is very touching. How did you come up with the idea for this friendship between colleagues?I’ve always been interested in the way adult artists call on their childlike sensibilities to take on youth. I’m a person who needs a lot of tenderness and I like reading illustrated books. […]
Interview with Eliane Esther Bots, director of In Flow of Words How was In Flow of Words born?In Flow of Words was born out of a coincidental meeting with one of the interpreters, Alma, whom I met at a film festival in our hometown The Hague. Alma was behind a camera and as a fellow filmmaker I approached her and asked what she […]
Interview with Yue Huang, director of The Executioner How was The Executioner born?First of all, the fast economic development in Shanghai stimulated me to a certain extent. My studio is located in the city center in which there are lots of commercial buildings there. People talk about how to create economic values and I am surprised by almost everyone putting economic in a […]