Meeting with…

  • night_bus_stilla_OK-RVB
    21 January 2021
    By Clotilde Couturier

      Interview with Joe Hsieh, director of Night Bus How did you get the inspiration for Night Bus? Have you already travelled by night buses or carpooling? I like observing people, taking mental notes of their emotions and expressions. In doing so, I often get inspired and start to form ideas in my head on how to reflect them in my films.  The inspiration of […]

    21 January 2021
    By Élise Loiseau

      Interview with Jean-Benoît Ugeux, director of Abada How did Abada come about? The film wasn’t really planned :  The festival “Carpentras fait son cinema” (Carpentras at the Movies) had just been launched and they were looking for directors willing to make an 8 minute, 40 second film in 84 hours. Since I like to shoot quickly using a very light set-up, I decided […]

  • Cockpera_Still3-OK-RVB
    20 January 2021
    By Élise Loiseau

      Interview with Kata Gugić, director of Cockpera  Your short draws a parallel between an operatic cock fight and the human behavior. Can you tell us a bit about this aspect of your film? The film is inspired by a very short fable, so I had the possibility to take this story wherever I wanted. What captured my interest at first was the ridiculousness […]

  • Under_The_North_Sea_Still_1-OK-RVB
    20 January 2021
    By Clotilde Couturier

      Interview with Federico Barni and Alberto Allica, codirectors of Under the North Sea How did you learn about dark matter studies? Federico:​ It never was something that registered much with me, I am more of a life sciences person and so what initially attracted me to Boulby mine was the presence of salt-loving extremophiles! And I think that’s the same with Alberto. Dark […]

  • Mat_et_les_gravitantes_stills_1-RVB
    20 January 2021
    By Abla Kandalaft

      Interview with Pauline Penichout, director of Mat et les Gravitantes [Mat and her mates] Could you explain the choice of title to us? The word “gravitante” is a word we used often at the time of the film to refer to ourselves. Mat didn’t really live in the squat at the time, she said she gravitated around it, she moved from one squat […]

  • ya_pas_dheure_5-OK-RVB
    20 January 2021
    By Élise Loiseau

      Interview with Sarra El Abed, director of Y’a pas d’heure pour les femmes [Ain’t No Time for Women] How did  your film, Y’a pas d’heure pour les femmes, come about? For a while now, I wanted to describe the status of women in Tunisia which I find rather surprising and contradictory. However it was important for me to present this in an authentic […]

  • HIDE_07-OK-RVB
    20 January 2021
    By Clotilde Couturier

      Interview with Daniel Gray, director of HIDE Why were you interested in the hide-and-seek game as a starting point? The game of hide-and-seek didn’t really come first. I was muddling about with some ideas to do with my situation of moving from my home country, and all the different types of buildings and faces I saw around me, and I took a piece […]

  • Ecoutez_le_battement_de_nos_images_vlcsnap-00012-RVB
    19 January 2021
    By Clotilde Couturier

      Interview with Audrey Jean-Baptiste and Maxime Jean-Baptiste, codirectors of Écoutez le battement de nos images  Is your film mainly an account that you want handed down? How did you construct the voice-over? The film is essentially tied to my desire to breathe life back into the things that disappeared when the Guiana Space Centre was set up in Kourou in the 60s. To […]

  • pas_de_panique_1-OK-RVB
    19 January 2021
    By Élise Loiseau

      Interview with Wissam Charaf, Director of Pas de Panique [Don’t Panic] How did  your film come about? In the beginning, there was the desire to talk about what had happened to Lebanon since October 2019, precisely, a catastrophic economic crisis and the protest movement that ensued. What happened in Lebanon in the space of a year is of such tremendous violence and vulgarity, […]

  • Mad_Mieter_Still3_MAD-OK-RVB
    19 January 2021
    By Clotilde Couturier

      Interview with the filmmaking-duo M+M (Marc Weis and Martin De Mattia), codirectors of Mad Mieter Are the mantises virtually animated? If they’re not, how did you make them act in the “doll’s house”? The praying mantises were real and alive. Our film followed an open screenplay with a variety of scenes. The temperature in the studio was insanely high. Of course, this is […]

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